Tuesday, October 21, 2008

That one thing

One of my favorite movies is 'City Slickers'. I watched it yesterday and had forgotten this one very profound moment when Curly is telling Mitch the secret of life. He says it's "One Thing, just One Thing". Mitch asks him what the one thing is, and Curly replies "That's what you have to find out." This hit me so hard that I have seen in it an immutable Law, Curly's Principle I'll call it. When we pursue money, a paycheck, above the pursuit of what our 'One Thing' is we hurtle down the Road of Time towards a random end, most likely to leave us somehow unfulfilled, unhappy, and with little money.

We're taught from a young age to pick a profession, think about what we want to be when we grow up. In our childhood very few of us know just what it is we want to be and by the time we are young adults we've been conditioned to believe that what we want to be is tied somehow to a paycheck.

We feel great when we get a 'good paying' job, and somehow inferior when we do not. We go to school, we work hard, we try to get noticed by The Boss. We hope someday to climb some imaginary ladder that will lead us to wealth, security, and therefore, happiness.

Yet, those of us who have pursued that path are rarely happy, rarely wealthy, rarely secure. I believe this is because we did not first heed Curly's Principal.

We should be teaching our kids to look for that one thing, and to never ever give in to earning a living at the cost of forgoing what it is we want to do in our lives.

Somehow, I think some of you are going to see this as pie in the sky, sounds to good to be true, or that could never happen to me. The only thing I can tell you is that whatever you believe in regards to your One Thing; it is absolutely the truth. It is the truth because for you, and your life, what you believe to be true becomes your truth.

No matter what others perceive as the truth about you, none of their opinions matter unless you give them permission to matter. No one else can set your dreams and goals for you without you giving them the go ahead to do so. You are in control, You have the ability to set truth for your life whether that means abdication or self control.

So, look at what it is you are doing with your life. If it's not something you love, then begin to search for your One Thing. Be passionate about your life and where you want it to go. Be loving and supportive of those who are in your life, but accept their advice only if it confirms the truth you have set for yourself.

Find that One Thing and you will find all wealth, happiness, security that you could wish for.
Happy Search!

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